Source code for subsurface.reader.wells.well_files_reader

import warnings
from typing import Dict

import pandas as pd

from subsurface.reader.readers_data import ReaderFilesHelper, ReaderWellsHelper
from subsurface.reader.wells.wells_utils import add_tops_from_base_and_altitude_in_place

__all__ = ['read_borehole_files', 'read_collar', 'read_survey', 'read_lith',
           'read_attributes', 'check_format_and_read_to_df',

[docs]def read_borehole_files(reader_wells_helper: ReaderWellsHelper) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: data_frames = dict() data_frames['collar_df'] = read_collar(reader_wells_helper.reader_collars_args) data_frames['survey_df'] = read_survey(reader_wells_helper.reader_survey_args) if reader_wells_helper.reader_lith_args is not None: data_frames['lith_df'] = read_lith(reader_wells_helper.reader_lith_args) if reader_wells_helper.reader_attr_args is not None: attributes_ = list() for e in reader_wells_helper.reader_attr_args: attributes_.append(read_attributes(e)) data_frames['attrib_dfs'] = attributes_ return data_frames
[docs]def read_collar(reader_helper: ReaderFilesHelper) -> pd.DataFrame: if reader_helper.usecols is None: reader_helper.usecols = [0, 1, 2, 3] if reader_helper.index_col is False: reader_helper.index_col = 0 # Check file_or_buffer type d = check_format_and_read_to_df(reader_helper) map_rows_and_cols_inplace(d, reader_helper) return d
[docs]def read_survey(reader_helper: ReaderFilesHelper): if reader_helper.index_col is False: reader_helper.index_col = 0 d = check_format_and_read_to_df(reader_helper) map_rows_and_cols_inplace(d, reader_helper) d_no_singles = _validate_survey_data(d) return d_no_singles
[docs]def read_lith(reader_helper: ReaderFilesHelper): """Columns MUST contain: - top - base - component lith """ if reader_helper.index_col is False: reader_helper.index_col = 0 d = check_format_and_read_to_df(reader_helper) map_rows_and_cols_inplace(d, reader_helper) lith_df = _validate_lith_data(d, reader_helper) return lith_df
[docs]def read_attributes(reader_helper: ReaderFilesHelper)-> pd.DataFrame: if reader_helper.index_col is False: reader_helper.index_col = 0 d = check_format_and_read_to_df(reader_helper) if reader_helper.columns_map is not None: d.rename(reader_helper.columns_map, axis=1, inplace=True) if reader_helper.drop_cols is not None: d.drop(reader_helper.drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True) _validate_attr_data(d) return d
[docs]def check_format_and_read_to_df(reader_helper: ReaderFilesHelper) -> pd.DataFrame: if reader_helper.format == ".json": d = pd.read_json(reader_helper.file_or_buffer, orient='split') elif reader_helper.is_file_in_disk: reader = _get_reader(reader_helper.format) d = reader(reader_helper.file_or_buffer, **reader_helper.pandas_reader_kwargs) elif reader_helper.is_bytes_string: reader = _get_reader('.csv') d = reader(reader_helper.file_or_buffer, **reader_helper.pandas_reader_kwargs) elif reader_helper.is_python_dict: reader = _get_reader('dict') d = reader(reader_helper.file_or_buffer) else: raise AttributeError('file_or_buffer must be either a path or a dict') if type(d.columns) is str: d.columns = d.columns.str.strip() # Remove spaces at the beginning and end if type(d.index) is str: d.index = d.index.str.strip() # Remove spaces at the beginning and end return d
[docs]def map_rows_and_cols_inplace(d: pd.DataFrame, reader_helper: ReaderFilesHelper): if reader_helper.index_map is not None: d.rename(reader_helper.index_map, axis="index", inplace=True)#d.index = if reader_helper.columns_map is not None: d.rename(reader_helper.columns_map, axis="columns", inplace=True)
#d.columns = def _get_reader(file_format): if file_format == '.xlsx': reader = pd.read_excel elif file_format == 'dict': reader = _dict_reader else: reader = pd.read_csv return reader def _dict_reader(dict_): """ Args: dict_: data, index, columns """ return pd.DataFrame(data=dict_['data'], columns=dict_['columns'], index=dict_['index']) def _validate_survey_data(d): if not d.columns.isin(['md']).any(): raise AttributeError('md, inc, and azi columns must be present in the file.' 'Use columns_map to assign column names to these fields.') elif not['md', 'inc', 'azi'], d.columns).all(): warnings.warn('inc and/or azi columns are not present in the file.' ' The boreholes will be straight.') d['inc'] = 0 d['azi'] = 0 # Drop wells that contain only one value d_no_singles = d[d.index.duplicated(keep=False)] return d_no_singles def _validate_lith_data(d: pd.DataFrame, reader_helper: ReaderFilesHelper) -> pd.DataFrame: given_top =['top', 'base', 'component lith'], d.columns).all() given_altitude_and_base =['altitude', 'base', 'component lith'], d.columns).all() if given_altitude_and_base and not given_top: d = add_tops_from_base_and_altitude_in_place(d, reader_helper.index_col, 'base', 'altitude') elif not given_top and not given_altitude_and_base: raise ValueError('basis column must be present in the file. Use ' 'columns_map to assign column names to these fields.') lith_df = d[['top', 'base', 'component lith']] return lith_df def _validate_attr_data(d): assert d.columns.isin(['basis']).any(), 'basis column' \ 'must be present in the file.' \ 'Use columns_map to assign' \ 'column names to these fields.'