Source code for subsurface.structs.base_structures.unstructured_data

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union, Dict, Mapping, Hashable, Any, Literal, List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from subsurface.reader.readers_data import RawDataUnstructured

__all__ = ['UnstructuredData', ]

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class UnstructuredData: data: xr.Dataset cells_attr_name: str = "cell_attrs" vertex_attr_name: str = "vertex_attrs" """Primary structure definition for unstructured data Attributes: data (`xarray.Dataset`): Data structure where we store Args: ds (xarray.Dataset): Directly a dataset with the expected structured. This arg is specially thought for loading data from disk Notes: Depending on the shape of `edge` the following unstructured elements can be created: - cells NDArray[(Any, 0), IntX] or NDArray[(Any, 1), IntX] -> *Point cloud*. E.g. Outcrop scan with lidar - cells NDArray[(Any, 2), IntX] -> *Lines*. E.g. Borehole - cells NDArray[(Any, 3), IntX] -> *Mesh*. E.g surface-DEM Topography - cells NDArray[(Any, 4), IntX] - -> *tetrahedron* - -> *quadrilateral (or tetragon)* UNSUPPORTED? - cells NDArray[(Any, 8), IntX] -> *Hexahedron: Unstructured grid/Prisms* """ def __post_init__(self): self._validate() def __repr__(self): return
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw_data(cls, raw_data: RawDataUnstructured, coords: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None, xarray_attributes: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None, default_cells_attributes_name: str = "cell_attrs", default_points_attributes_name: str = "vertex_attrs" ): return cls.from_array(raw_data.vertex, raw_data.cells, raw_data.cells_attr, raw_data.vertex_attr, coords, xarray_attributes, default_cells_attributes_name, default_points_attributes_name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_array( cls, vertex: np.ndarray, cells: Union[np.ndarray, Literal["lines", "points"]], cells_attr: Union[None, pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, xr.DataArray]] = None, vertex_attr: Union[None, pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, xr.DataArray]] = None, coords: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None, xarray_attributes: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None, default_cells_attr_name: str = "cell_attrs", default_points_attr_name: str = "vertex_attrs", attributes: Union[None, pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, xr.DataArray]] = None # TODO Obsolete ): """ Constructor of UnstructuredData from arrays or pandas DataFrames. Args: vertex (np.ndarray): NDArray[(Any, 3), FloatX]: XYZ point data cells (Union[np.ndarray, Literal["lines", "points"]]): NDArray[(Any, ...), IntX]: Combination of vertex that create different geometric elements. If str use default values for either points or lines cells_attr (Union[None, pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, xr.DataArray]]]: Number associated to an element vertex_attr (Union[None, pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, xr.DataArray]]]: Number associated to points coords: xarray_attributes: attributes: default_cells_attr_name: default_points_attr_name: Returns: """ if attributes is not None: cells_attr = attributes cells_data_array, n_cells, n_vertex, vertex_data_array = cls.vertex_and_cells_arrays_to_data_array(cells, vertex) points_attributes_xarray_dict = cls.raw_attributes_to_dict_data_arrays( default_points_attr_name, n_vertex, ["points", "vertex_attr"], vertex_attr) cells_attributes_xarray_dict = cls.raw_attributes_to_dict_data_arrays( default_cells_attr_name, n_cells, ["cell", "cell_attr"], cells_attr) xarray_dict = { "vertex": vertex_data_array, "cells": cells_data_array, **cells_attributes_xarray_dict, **points_attributes_xarray_dict } default_cells_attr_name = cells_attributes_xarray_dict.get(None, next(iter(cells_attributes_xarray_dict))) default_points_attr_name = points_attributes_xarray_dict.get(None, next(iter(points_attributes_xarray_dict))) return cls.from_data_arrays_dict(xarray_dict, coords, xarray_attributes, default_cells_attr_name, default_points_attr_name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data_arrays_dict(cls, xarray_dict: Dict[str, xr.DataArray], coords: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None, xarray_attributes: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None, default_cells_attributes_name="cell_attrs", default_points_attributes_name="vertex_attrs"): ds = xr.Dataset(xarray_dict, coords=coords, attrs=xarray_attributes) # Try to unstack pandas dataframe if exist # TODO: This is an issue in wells. If it is only there maybe we should move it there try: ds = ds.reset_index('cell') except KeyError: pass return cls(ds, default_cells_attributes_name, default_points_attributes_name)
[docs] @classmethod def raw_attributes_to_dict_data_arrays( cls, default_attributes_name: str, n_items: int, dims: List[str], raw_attributes: Union[None, pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, xr.DataArray]]) \ -> Dict[str, xr.DataArray]: if raw_attributes is None or type(raw_attributes) == pd.DataFrame: points_attributes_xarray_dict = { default_attributes_name: cls.data_array_attributes_from_raw_data(raw_attributes, dims, n_items) } else: points_attributes_xarray_dict = raw_attributes return points_attributes_xarray_dict
[docs] @classmethod def vertex_and_cells_arrays_to_data_array(cls, cells: Union[np.ndarray, Literal["lines", "points"]], vertex: np.ndarray): n_vertex = vertex.shape[0] if type(cells) != np.ndarray: cells = cls.create_default_cells_arg(cells, n_vertex) n_cells = cells.shape[0] vertex_data_array = xr.DataArray(vertex, dims=['points', 'XYZ'], coords={'XYZ': ['X', 'Y', 'Z']}) cells_data_array = xr.DataArray(cells, dims=['cell', 'nodes']) return cells_data_array, n_cells, n_vertex, vertex_data_array
[docs] @classmethod def data_array_attributes_from_raw_data(cls, raw_data: Union[None, pd.DataFrame], dims: List[str], n_rows: int) -> xr.DataArray: if raw_data is None: raw_data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((n_rows, 0))) if type(raw_data) is pd.DataFrame: data_array = xr.DataArray(raw_data, dims=dims) else: raise ValueError("cells_attributes must be either pd.DataFrame or " "None/default.") return data_array
[docs] @classmethod def create_default_cells_arg(cls, cells: Literal["points", "lines"], n_vertex: int) -> np.ndarray: if cells is None or cells == 'points': cells = np.arange(0, n_vertex).reshape(-1, 1) elif cells == 'lines': a = np.arange(0, n_vertex - 1, dtype=np.int_) b = np.arange(1, n_vertex, dtype=np.int_) cells = np.vstack([a, b]).T elif type(cells) != np.ndarray: raise ValueError("cells must be either None (will default to 'points')," "'points', 'lines' or a 2D ndarray.") return cells
def _validate(self): try: _ =[self.cells_attr_name]['cell'] _ =[self.cells_attr_name]['cell_attr'] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Cell attribute DataArrays must contain dimension cell and ' 'cell_attr') try: _ =[self.vertex_attr_name]['vertex_attr'] _ =[self.vertex_attr_name]['points'] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Point attribute DataArrays must contain dimensions' ' points and vertex_attr.') # Make sure the number of vertices matches the associated data. if['cells']['cell'].size !=[self.cells_attr_name]['cell'].size: raise AttributeError('Attributes and cells must have the same length.') if self.n_points !=[self.vertex_attr_name]['points'].size: raise AttributeError('points_attributes and vertex must have the same length.') @property def vertex(self) -> np.ndarray: return['vertex'].values @property def cells(self): return['cells'].values @property def attributes(self): xarray =[self.cells_attr_name] return xarray.to_dataframe()[self.cells_attr_name].unstack(level=1) @attributes.setter def attributes(self, dataframe):[self.cells_attr_name] = xr.DataArray(dataframe, dims=['element', 'cell_attr']) @property def points_attributes(self): return[self.vertex_attr_name].to_dataframe()[ self.vertex_attr_name].unstack(level=1) @points_attributes.setter def points_attributes(self, dataframe):[self.vertex_attr_name] = xr.DataArray(dataframe, dims=['points', 'vertex_attr']) @property def n_elements(self): return self.cells.shape[0] @property def n_vertex_per_element(self): return self.cells.shape[1] @property def n_points(self): return self.vertex.shape[0] @property def attributes_to_dict(self, orient='list'): return self.attributes.to_dict(orient) @property def points_attributes_to_dict(self, orient='list'): return self.points_attributes.to_dict(orient) @property def extent(self): max = self.vertex.max(axis=0) min = self.vertex.min(axis=0) extent = np.stack((min, max), axis = 1).ravel() return extent
[docs] def to_xarray(self): a = xr.DataArray(self.vertex, dims=['points', 'XYZ']) b = xr.DataArray(self.cells, dims=['cells', 'node']) e = xr.DataArray(self.attributes, dims=['element', 'cell_attr']) c = xr.Dataset({'v': a, 'e': b, 'a': e}) return c
[docs] def to_binary(self, order='F'): bytearray_le = self._to_bytearray(order) header = self._set_binary_header() return bytearray_le, header
def _set_binary_header(self): header = { "vertex_shape": self.vertex.shape, "cell_shape": self.cells.shape, "cell_attr_shape": self.attributes.shape, "vertex_attr_shape": self.points_attributes.shape, "cell_attr_names": self.attributes.columns.to_list(), "cell_attr_types": self.attributes.dtypes.astype(str).to_list(), "vertex_attr_names": self.points_attributes.columns.to_list(), "vertex_attr_types": self.attributes.dtypes.astype(str).to_list(), "xarray_attrs": } return header def _to_bytearray(self, order): vertex = self.vertex.astype('float32').tobytes(order) cells = self.cells.astype('int32').tobytes(order) cell_attribute = self.attributes.values.astype('float32').tobytes(order) vertex_attribute = self.points_attributes.values.astype('float32').tobytes(order) bytearray_le = vertex + cells + cell_attribute + vertex_attribute return bytearray_le