Source code for subsurface.structs.structured_elements

"""For regularly gridded datasets like rasters and tensor meshes.


import numpy as np
from .base_structures import StructuredData

__all__ = ['OctreeMesh', 'StructuredSurface', 'StructuredGrid']

[docs]class OctreeMesh: """ TODO: implement as Dom discussed with data frames to track the levels. """ def __init__(self, data: StructuredData): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class StructuredSurface: def __init__(self, structured_data: StructuredData): # TODO check structured_data has two coordinates self.ds = structured_data
# Add pyvista methods of gridded data
[docs]class StructuredGrid: # TODO check structured_data has three coordinates """Container for curvilinear mesh grids. This is analogous to PyVista's StructuredGrid class or discretize's CurviMesh class. """ def __init__(self, structured_data: StructuredData): self.ds = structured_data @property def cartesian_dimensions(self): return len(self.cartesian_coords_names) @property def cartesian_coords_names(self): coord_names = np.array(['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'x', 'y', 'z']) return coord_names[np.isin(coord_names,] @property def coord(self): return @property def meshgrid_3d(self): cart_coord = [self.coord[i] for i in self.cartesian_coords_names] grid_3d = np.meshgrid(*cart_coord, indexing='ij') return grid_3d
[docs] def meshgrid_2d(self, attribute_name_coord_name: str = None): """ Args: attribute_name_coord_name(str): Name of the xarray.Dataset coord that will be used for the z direction. This must be 2d Returns: """ grid_2d = np.meshgrid(self.coord['x'], self.coord['y']) if attribute_name_coord_name is not None: z_coord =[attribute_name_coord_name].values.T if z_coord.ndim != 2: raise AttributeError('The attribute must be a 2D array') grid_2d.append(z_coord) return grid_2d