Source code for subsurface.writer.to_rex.gempy_to_rexfile

This file is part of gempy.

Created on 21/02/2020

@author: Miguel de la Varga

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import pandas as pd

__all__ = ['GemPyToRex', 'encode', 'write_file_header_block',
           'write_data_block_header', 'write_mesh_header',
           'write_mesh_coordinates', 'write_material_data', 'hex_to_rgb',
           'geomodel_to_rex', 'mesh_preprocess', 'write_file', 'write_rex', ]

rexFileHeaderSize = 64
rexCoordSize = 22

file_header_size = 86
rexDataBlockHeaderSize = 16

file_header_and_data_header = 102
mesh_header_size = 128
all_header_size = 230

# Supported block types
# typeLineSet = 0
# typeText = 1
# typePointList = 2
typeMesh = 3
# typeImage = 4
# typeMaterial = 5
# typePeopleSimulation = 6
# typeUnityPackage = 7
# typeSceneNode = 8

n_bytes = 0

[docs]class GemPyToRex: def __init__(self, geo_model=None): """Writes GemPy data structures into binary Rex """ self.rex_bytes = bytearray() self.n_bytes = 0 self.data_id = 0 self.geo_model = geo_model
[docs] def __call__(self, geo_model=None, meshes=True, material=True, surfaces=None, topography=True, app='GemPlay'): """ Args: meshes: surfaces (list): Subset of surfaces to send to the client app (str): Either RexViewer or GemPlay. Set of default values Returns: """ byte_array = bytearray() byte_size = 0 self.data_id = 0 if geo_model is None: geo_model = self.geo_model else: self.geo_model = geo_model if surfaces is not None: raise NotImplementedError flip_yz, backside, vertex_color = self.default_values(app) # flip_yz, backside, vertex_color = False, True, False surface_df = self.grab_meshes(geo_model) if topography: topography_dict = self.grab_topography(geo_model) else: topography_dict = None # Data Blocks # ----------- if material is True: # Material byte_array += self.gempy_color_to_rex_material(surface_df, topography) if meshes is True: # Mesh byte_array += self.gempy_meshes_to_rex( surface_df, topography_dict=topography_dict, flip_yz=flip_yz, backside=backside, vertex_color=vertex_color) # Size of all data blocks together byte_size += len(byte_array) # Write file header # ----------------- n_data_blocks = self.data_id header_bytes = write_file_header_block( n_data_blocks=n_data_blocks, size_data_blocks=byte_size, start_data=file_header_size) return header_bytes + byte_array
[docs] @staticmethod def grab_meshes(geo_model): """Check if surfaces are computed. And return a pandas.DataFrame with the meshes to be converted Args: geo_model: Returns: """ try: # Drop basement surface_df = geo_model._surfaces.df.groupby( ['isActive', 'isBasement']).get_group((True, False)) except (IndexError, KeyError): raise RuntimeError('No computed surfaces yet.') return surface_df[['surface', 'vertices', 'edges', 'color']]
[docs] @staticmethod def grab_topography(geo_model): from scipy.spatial import Delaunay if geo_model._grid.topography is None or geo_model._grid.topography.values.shape[0] == 0: return None else: topography_dict = dict() topography_dict['surface'] = "Topography" topography_dict['vertices'] = geo_model._grid.topography.values # tri = Delaunay(geo_model._grid.topography.values) topography_dict['edges'] = Delaunay(geo_model._grid.topography.values[:, :2]).simplices topography_dict['color'] = return topography_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def hex_to_rgb(hex: str, normalize: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Transform colors from hex to rgb""" hex = hex.lstrip('#') hlen = len(hex) rgb = np.array([int(hex[i:i + hlen // 3], 16) for i in range(0, hlen, hlen // 3)]) if normalize is True: rgb = rgb / 255 return rgb
[docs] @staticmethod def default_values(app): """ Args: app: Returns: list: flip_yz, backside, vertex_color """ if app == 'GemPlay': return (False, True, False) elif app == 'RexView': return (True, True, True) else: raise AttributeError('app must be either GemPlay or RexView')
[docs] def gempy_meshes_to_rex(self, surface_df, topography_dict=None, flip_yz=False, backside=True, vertex_color=False): """Write mesh to Rexfile. Args: surface_df: topography_dict: flip_yz: Fliping YZ coordinates. Rexview need this backside: If True, create a second set of triangles on the backside of the mesh vertex_color Returns: Notes: At the moment 14.07.2020 it is not possible to write normals or texture """ rex_bytes = bytearray() mesh_number = 0 # Loop geological surfaces surfaces for idx, surface_vals in surface_df.iterrows(): tri = surface_vals['edges'] if tri is np.nan: continue ver = surface_vals['vertices'] surface_name = surface_vals['surface'] if vertex_color: # Hex Colors col_ = surface_vals['color'] else: col_ = None rex_bytes = self.mesh_prepare_and_encode(rex_bytes, mesh_number, ver, tri, surface_name, col_=col_, flip_yz=flip_yz, backside=backside, vertex_color=False) mesh_number += 1 # Add topography if topography_dict is not None: rex_bytes = self.mesh_prepare_and_encode(rex_bytes, n_surface=-1, ver=topography_dict['vertices'], tri=topography_dict['edges'], surface_name=topography_dict['surface'], col_=topography_dict['color'], flip_yz=flip_yz, backside=backside, vertex_color=True) return rex_bytes
[docs] def mesh_prepare_and_encode(self, rex_bytes, n_surface, ver, tri, surface_name, col_=None, flip_yz=False, backside=True, vertex_color=False): if flip_yz: # This depends. For RexViewer we need to flip XYZ. For GemPlay not really ver_ = np.copy(ver) ver[:, 2] = ver_[:, 1] ver[:, 1] = ver_[:, 2] # Pre-processing GemPy output ver_ravel, tri_ravel, n_vtx_coord, n_triangles = mesh_preprocess(ver, tri) # Number of vertex colors if vertex_color: n_vtx_colors = n_vtx_coord # Give color to each vertex # TODO: Is this necessary if I pass a material if type(col_) is str: colors = np.zeros_like(ver) + self.hex_to_rgb(col_, normalize=True) c_r = colors.ravel() elif type(col_) is np.ndarray: surf_df = self.geo_model._surfaces.df.set_index('id') colors_hex = surf_df.groupby( ['isActive', 'isFault']).get_group((True, False))['color'] colors_rgb_ = colors_hex.apply(lambda val: list(mcolors.hex2color(val))) colors_rgb = pd.DataFrame(colors_rgb_.to_list(), index=colors_hex.index) sel = np.round(col_[0]).astype(int)[0] c_r = colors_rgb.loc[sel].values.ravel() else: raise AttributeError("col_ must be either hex string or rgb array") else: n_vtx_colors = 0 c_r = None rex_bytes = self._mesh_encode( rex_bytes, n_surface, n_vtx_coord, n_triangles, n_vtx_colors, surface_name, ver_ravel, tri_ravel, c_r) if backside: # Coping triangles to create the backside normal of the layers tri_ = np.copy(tri) # TURN normals - One side of the normals tri_[:, 2] = tri[:, 1] tri_[:, 1] = tri[:, 2] # Pre-processing GemPy output ver_ravel, tri_ravel, n_vtx_coord, n_triangles = mesh_preprocess(ver, tri_) # tri = np.append(tri, tri_) rex_bytes = self._mesh_encode( rex_bytes, n_surface, n_vtx_coord, n_triangles, n_vtx_colors, surface_name, ver_ravel, tri_ravel, c_r) return rex_bytes
def _mesh_encode(self, rex_bytes, material_id, n_vtx_coord, n_triangles, n_vtx_colors, surface_name, ver_ravel, tri_ravel, c_r): # Write Mesh block - header mesh_header_bytes = write_mesh_header( n_vtx_coord / 3, n_triangles / 3, n_vtx_colors=n_vtx_colors / 3, start_vtx_coord=mesh_header_size, start_nor_coord=mesh_header_size + n_vtx_coord * 4, start_tex_coord=mesh_header_size + n_vtx_coord * 4, start_vtx_colors=mesh_header_size + n_vtx_coord * 4, start_triangles=mesh_header_size + ((n_vtx_coord + n_vtx_colors) * 4), name=surface_name, material_id=material_id # self.data_id + surface_df.shape[0] ) # Write Mesh block - Vertex, triangles mesh_block_bytes = write_mesh_coordinates(ver_ravel, tri_ravel, colors=c_r # When using # material we can avoid this ) # Calculate the size of the mesh block mesh_block_size_no_data_block_header = len(mesh_header_bytes) + \ len(mesh_block_bytes) # This is cte 128 # Write data block header for Mesh 1 data_header_bytes = write_data_block_header( size_data=mesh_block_size_no_data_block_header, data_id=self.data_id, data_type=3, # 3 for mesh version_data=1 # Probably useful for counting # the operation number ) self.data_id += 1 rex_bytes += data_header_bytes + mesh_header_bytes + mesh_block_bytes return rex_bytes
[docs] def gempy_color_to_rex_material(self, surface_df, topography=False): rex_bytes = bytearray() for idx, surface_vals in surface_df.iterrows(): # Write data block header for Material 1 data_header_bytes = write_data_block_header( data_type=5, # Material data type version_data=1, # Version. Probably useful for operation counter size_data=68, # Size of the block is FIXED data_id=self.data_id # self.data_id ) self.data_id += 1 rgb_color = self.hex_to_rgb(surface_vals['color'], normalize=True) # rgb_color = [1, 1, 1] # Write Material material_bytes = write_material_data( ka_red=rgb_color[0], ka_green=rgb_color[1], ka_blue=rgb_color[2], ka_texture_ID=9223372036854775807, # ambient ks_red=rgb_color[0], ks_green=rgb_color[1], ks_blue=rgb_color[2], ks_texture_ID=9223372036854775807, # specular kd_red=rgb_color[0], kd_green=rgb_color[1], kd_blue=rgb_color[2], kd_texture_ID=9223372036854775807, # diffuse ns=0.1, # specular exponent alpha=1 # opacity ) rex_bytes += data_header_bytes + material_bytes if topography is True: # Write data block header for Material 1 data_header_bytes = write_data_block_header( data_type=5, # Material data type version_data=1, # Version. Probably useful for operation counter size_data=68, # Size of the block is FIXED data_id=-1 # self.data_id ) rgb_color = [1, 1, 1] # Write Material material_bytes = write_material_data( ka_red=rgb_color[0], ka_green=rgb_color[1], ka_blue=rgb_color[2], ka_texture_ID=9223372036854775807, # ambient ks_red=rgb_color[0], ks_green=rgb_color[1], ks_blue=rgb_color[2], ks_texture_ID=9223372036854775807, # specular kd_red=rgb_color[0], kd_green=rgb_color[1], kd_blue=rgb_color[2], kd_texture_ID=9223372036854775807, # diffuse ns=0.1, # specular exponent alpha=1 # opacity ) self.data_id += 1 rex_bytes += data_header_bytes + material_bytes return rex_bytes
[docs]def encode(input_: list): """Encode python objects - normally Python primitives or numpy arrays - into its correspondent byte representation Args: input_ (List[tuples]): List of tuples: (object, type) Returns: byte: Array of bytes """ global n_bytes block = bytearray() for tup in input_: arr = np.array(tup[0], dtype=tup[1]).tobytes() n_bytes += len(arr) block += arr return block
[docs]def write_file_header_block(n_data_blocks, size_data_blocks, version=1, start_data=86, srid=3876, offsets=None): """ Function that writes the header block of a rexfile: Args: n_data_blocks: size_data_blocks: version (int): Version of the file start_data (int): Position where data start. This is after the header and coordinate system. If everything works fine it should be 86 srid (int): Spatial reference system identifier (srid) offsets: Returns: """ reserved = '0' * 42 if offsets is None: offsets = [0, 0, 0] input_ = [('REX1', 'bytes'), # REX1 (version, 'uint16'), # file version (0, 'uint32'), # CRC32 (n_data_blocks, 'uint16'), # Number of DATA BLOCKS (start_data, 'uint16'), # StartData (size_data_blocks, 'uint64'), # Size of all data blocks (reserved, 'bytes'), # Reserved # Coordinate system block (srid, 'uint32'), # Spatial reference system identifier (srid) (4, 'uint16'), # Size of the name of the used system. ('EPSG', 'bytes'), # name of the used system. (offsets, 'float32')] # Global x, y, z offset block_bytes = encode(input_) return block_bytes
[docs]def write_data_block_header(size_data, data_id=1, data_type=3, version_data=1): """Function to write a DATA BLOCK header. Args: size_data: data block size (without header) data_id: id which is used in the database data_type (int): Type of data the data block contains: * 0 LineSet A list of vertices which get connected by line segments * 1 Text A position information and the actual text * 2 PointList A list of 3D points with color information (e.g. point cloud) * 3 Mesh A triangle mesh datastructure️ * 4 Image A single of arbitrary format can be stored in this block * 5 MaterialStandard A standard (mesh) material definition * 6 SceneNode A wrapper around a data block which can be used in the scenegraph * 7 Track A track is a tracked position and orientation of an AR device version_data: version for this data block Returns: """ input_ = [(data_type, 'uint16'), # data type (version_data, 'uint16'), # version for this data block (size_data, 'uint32'), # data block size (without header) (data_id, 'uint64')] # id which is used in the database block_bytes = encode(input_) return block_bytes
[docs]def write_mesh_header(n_vtx_coord, n_triangles, start_vtx_coord, start_nor_coord, start_tex_coord, start_vtx_colors, start_triangles, name, material_id=1, # material_id=9223372036854775807 n_nor_coord=0, n_tex_coord=0, n_vtx_colors=0, lod=1, max_lod=1): """Function to write MESH DATA BLOCK header. The header size is fixed at 128 bytes. Args: n_vtx_coord: number of vertex coordinates n_triangles: number of triangles start_vtx_coord: start vertex coordinate block (relative to mesh block start) start_nor_coord: start vertex normals block (relative to mesh block start) start_tex_coord: start of texture coordinate block (relative to mesh block start) start_vtx_colors: start of colors block (relative to mesh block start) start_triangles: start triangle block for vertices (relative to mesh block start) name (str): Name of the mesh material_id (int): id which refers to the corresponding material block in this file n_nor_coord: number of normal coordinates (can be zero) n_tex_coord: number of texture coordinates (can be zero) n_vtx_colors: number of vertex colors (can be zero) lod (int): level of detail for the given geometry max_lod (int): maximal level of detail for given geometry Returns: bytes: array of bytes """ # Strings are immutable so there is no way to modify them in place str_size = len(name) # Size of the actual name of the mesh rest_name = ' ' * (74 - str_size) # full_name = name + rest_name input_ = [([lod, max_lod], 'uint16'), # Level of detail ([n_vtx_coord, # number of vertex coordinates n_nor_coord, # number of normal coordinates (can be zero) n_tex_coord, # number of texture coordinates (can be zero) n_vtx_colors, # number of vertex colors (can be zero) n_triangles, # number of triangles start_vtx_coord, # start vertex coordinate block (relative to mesh block start) start_nor_coord, # start vertex normals block (relative to mesh block start) start_tex_coord, # start of texture coordinate block (relative to mesh block start) start_vtx_colors, # start of colors block (relative to mesh block start) start_triangles # start triangle block for vertices (relative to mesh block start) ], 'uint32'), (material_id, 'uint64'), # id which refers to the corresponding material block in this file (str_size, 'uint16'), # size of the following string name (full_name, 'bytes')] # name of the mesh (this is user-readable) block_bytes = encode(input_) return block_bytes
[docs]def write_mesh_coordinates(vertex, triangles, normal=None, texture=None, colors=None): """Block with the coordinates of a mesh. This has to go with a header! Args: vertex (numpy.ndarray[float32]): Array of vertex XYZXYZ... triangles (numpy.ndarray[int32]): This is a list of integers which form one triangle. Please make sure that normal and texture coordinates are inline with the vertex coordinates. One index refers to the same normal and texture position. The triangle orientation is required to be counter-clockwise (CCW) normal (numpy.ndarray): texture (numpy.ndarray): colors (numpy.ndarray): Returns: """ ver = vertex.ravel() tri = triangles.ravel() if normal is None: normal = [] if texture is None: texture = [] if colors is None: colors = [] input_ = [(ver, 'float32'), (normal, 'float32'), (texture, 'float32'), (colors, 'float32'), (tri, 'uint32')] block_bytes = encode(input_) return block_bytes
[docs]def write_material_data(ka_red=255.0 / 255, ka_green=255.0 / 255, ka_blue=255.0 / 255, ka_texture_ID=9223372036854775807, # ambient ks_red=255.0 / 255, ks_green=255.0 / 255, ks_blue=255.0 / 255, ks_texture_ID=9223372036854775807, # specular kd_red=255.0 / 255, kd_green=255.0 / 255, kd_blue=255.0 / 255, kd_texture_ID=9223372036854775807, # diffuse ns=0.1, # specular exponent alpha=1 # opacity ): """Writes a standard material definition block Returns: bytes (size:68) representation of the material """ input_ = [(ka_red, 'float32'), (ka_green, 'float32'), (ka_blue, 'float32'), (ka_texture_ID, 'uint64'), (ks_red, 'float32'), (ks_green, 'float32'), (ks_blue, 'float32'), (ks_texture_ID, 'uint64'), (kd_red, 'float32'), (kd_green, 'float32'), (kd_blue, 'float32'), (kd_texture_ID, 'uint64'), (ns, 'float32'), (alpha, 'float32')] block_bytes = encode(input_) return block_bytes
# TODO Move to utils
[docs]def hex_to_rgb(hex): """Transform colors from hex to rgb""" hex = hex.lstrip('#') hlen = len(hex) return tuple(int(hex[i:i + hlen // 3], 16) for i in range(0, hlen, hlen // 3))
[docs]def geomodel_to_rex(geo_model, backside=True): """ Args: geo_model (gempy.Model): """ # Fixed sizes mesh_header_size = 128 file_header_size = 86 # Init dict rex_bytes = {} # Check if surfaces are computed try: # Drop basement surface_df = geo_model._surfaces.df.groupby( ['isActive', 'isBasement']).get_group((True, False)) except (IndexError, KeyError): raise RuntimeError('No computed surfaces yet.') # Loop surfaces for idx, surface_vals in surface_df.iterrows(): ver = surface_vals['vertices'] tri = surface_vals['edges'] if tri is np.nan: break # Grab surface color col = surface_vals['color'] # Give color to each vertex colors = (np.zeros_like(ver) + hex_to_rgb(col)) / 255 # This depends. For RexViewer we need to flip XYZ. For GemPlay not really ver_ = np.copy(ver) ver_[:, 2] = ver[:, 1] ver_[:, 1] = ver[:, 2] # ---------------- # Coping triangles to create the backside normal of the layers tri_ = np.copy(tri) # Preprocessing GemPy output ver_ravel, tri_ravel, n_vtx_coord, n_triangles = mesh_preprocess(ver_, tri_) # Calculate the size of the mesh block if backside is True: n_sides = 2 else: n_sides = 1 mesh_block_size_no_data_block_header = (2 * # Coordinates and colors n_vtx_coord + n_triangles) * 4 + \ mesh_header_size # This is cte 128 # Size of a MATERIAL DATA BLOCK is cte material_block_size_no_data_block_header = 68 # Write file header if backside is True: n_data_blocks = 3 else: n_data_blocks = 2 header_bytes = write_file_header_block(n_data_blocks=n_data_blocks, size_data_blocks= n_sides * mesh_block_size_no_data_block_header + rexDataBlockHeaderSize + material_block_size_no_data_block_header, start_data=file_header_size) # Write data block header for Mesh 1 data_bytes = write_data_block_header(size_data=mesh_block_size_no_data_block_header, data_id=1, data_type=3, version_data=1) # Write Mesh 1 block - header mesh_header_bytes = write_mesh_header(n_vtx_coord / 3, n_triangles / 3, n_vtx_colors=n_vtx_coord / 3, start_vtx_coord=mesh_header_size, start_nor_coord=mesh_header_size + n_vtx_coord * 4, start_tex_coord=mesh_header_size + n_vtx_coord * 4, start_vtx_colors=mesh_header_size + n_vtx_coord * 4, start_triangles=mesh_header_size + 2 * (n_vtx_coord * 4), name='rock1', material_id=0) # Write Mesh 1 block - header mesh_block_bytes = write_mesh_coordinates(ver_ravel, tri_ravel, colors=colors.ravel()) if backside: # Write data block header for Mesh 2 data_bytes_r = write_data_block_header(size_data=mesh_block_size_no_data_block_header, data_id=2, data_type=3, version_data=1) # TURN normals - One side of the normals tri_[:, 2] = tri[:, 1] tri_[:, 1] = tri[:, 2] ver_ravel, tri_ravel, n_vtx_coord, n_triangles = mesh_preprocess(ver_, tri_) # Write Mesh 2 block - header mesh_header_bytes_r = write_mesh_header(n_vtx_coord / 3, n_triangles / 3, n_vtx_colors=n_vtx_coord / 3, start_vtx_coord=mesh_header_size, start_nor_coord=mesh_header_size + n_vtx_coord * 4, start_tex_coord=mesh_header_size + n_vtx_coord * 4, start_vtx_colors=mesh_header_size + n_vtx_coord * 4, start_triangles=mesh_header_size + 2 * (n_vtx_coord * 4), name='test_a', material_id=0) # Write Mesh 2 block - header mesh_block_bytes_r = write_mesh_coordinates(ver_ravel, tri_ravel, colors=colors.ravel()) # Write data block header for Material 1 material_header_bytes = write_data_block_header(data_type=5, version_data=1, size_data=68, data_id=0) # Write Material 1 material_bytes = write_material_data() # Putting all data together if backside is True: all_bytes = header_bytes + data_bytes + mesh_header_bytes + mesh_block_bytes + \ data_bytes_r + mesh_header_bytes_r + mesh_block_bytes_r + \ material_header_bytes + material_bytes else: all_bytes = header_bytes + data_bytes + mesh_header_bytes + mesh_block_bytes + \ material_header_bytes + material_bytes # FOR REXView Saving each surface is a rexfile rex_bytes[surface_vals['surface']] = all_bytes return rex_bytes
[docs]def mesh_preprocess(ver, tri): """Prepare GemPy Output to be converted to rex Args: ver (numpy.ndarray): tri (numpy.ndarray): Returns: list: vertices raveled, triangels ravel, n vertex, n triangles """ # TODO: Remove the type transform. Technically it does nothing ver_ravel = ver.ravel().astype('float32') tri_ravel = tri.ravel().astype('int32') n_vtx_coord = ver_ravel.shape[0] n_triangles = tri_ravel.shape[0] return ver_ravel, tri_ravel, n_vtx_coord, n_triangles
[docs]def write_file(bytes, path: str): """Write to disk a rexfile from its binary format""" newFile = open(path + ".rex", "wb") newFile.write(bytes) return True
[docs]def write_rex(rex_bytes: dict, path='./gempy_rex'): file_names = [] e = 0 for key, value in rex_bytes.items(): file_name = path + key write_file(value, file_name) file_names.append(file_name + '.rex') e += 1 return file_names