
subsurface.reader.wells.welly_reader.welly_to_subsurface(wts: subsurface.reader.wells.pandas_to_welly.WellyToSubsurfaceHelper, elev=True, n_vertex_per_well=50, convert_lith=True, table: Optional[List[striplog.component.Component]] = None, **kwargs)subsurface.structs.base_structures.unstructured_data.UnstructuredData[source]

Method to convert well data to subsurface.UnstructuredData

  • elev (bool) – In general the (x, y, z) array of positions will have z as TVD, which is positive down. If elev is True, positive will be upwards.

  • n_vertex_per_well (int) – Number of vertex used to describe the geometry of the well.

  • return_element (bool) – if True return a subsurface.LineSet instead

  • convert_lith (bool) – if True convert lith from stiplog to curve

  • table (List[Striplog.Component]) – List of components to map lithologies to value.

  • **kwargsWell.location.trajectory kwargs
